Thursday, September 27, 2012

“The Importance of Good Sportsmanship”

“The Importance of Good Sportsmanship”
Sportsmanship is important because it shows if you’re a good citizen and that you aren’t a sore loser. Some examples of sportsmanship are:
·     Not getting mad if you lose a game or bet.
·      If you lose, shaking hands with the winners of the game shows sportsmanship.
·     Playing fair shows sportsmanship.
·     Following the rules of the game.
·     Respecting the judgment of referees and officials.
·     Treating opponents with respect.
Those are some good examples of sportsmanship. The people who do not show good sportsmanship are the ones who start cussing at the referees and players because the lost. Also the ones who cheat do not show good sportsmanship. Earning good sportsmanship means finding that the positive attitude learned on the field carries over into other areas of life. At school, for example, you're able to appreciate the contributions made by classmates and know how to work as part of a team to complete a project.

Student Success Statement #6

Student Success Statement
“We need the courage to start and continue what we should do and the courage to stop what we shouldn’t do”
-Richard L. Evans

My reflection is that any good thing that we do in life or ourselves should be continued and not left alone, and any bad thing that we do in life should be left in the loneliness and never get to it because it could bring us or lead us to the bad choices in life.Continue Choosing The Right!!!:)

Student Responsibilities Part 3

Student Responsibilities
Part 3
What is important to you is that you, as you start to reach milestones in your ambitious, you appreciate your own achievements. It is a boost, of course, if others appreciate what you have done too, but appreciating yourself will strengthen you self-belief, and reinforce your determination to succeed.
Some of the key characteristics you will find in those who are successful are perseverance, prepare to research, plan to work hard, practice a lot even when things do not seem to be going well, and an ability to recover and learn from setbacks. At the outset of whatever it is you are trying to succeed in, a strong vision of your future, planning, and setting yourself achievable targets can all play an important role.
If you feel you do not naturally have all those characteristics, then do not despair. Each of them can be accomplished by your own application. You can use meditation and visualization techniques to initiate your vision, and they can certainly be learnt both for that purpose and for each step you take to reach your goals. Setting goals and objectives can be personal or business techniques that can be learnt. You can develop inner strength to succeed if you apply yourself to doing just that; that will enable you to recover from setbacks more easily.
Students: These are YOUR Responsibilities!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Student Success Statement 5

Student Success Statement
“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom”
-George Washington Carver
What I think this means is that education is the most important thing you need in life.

Student Responsibilities Part2

Student Responsibilities
7.   I have the responsibility to do every bit of assigned homework with proper attention and thought.
8.   I have the responsibility to view my teacher as a partner in my education.
9.   I have the responsibility to understand that I am not the only student in my class, not all of my catching up is appropriate for the classroom setting.
10. I have the responsibility to act as a competent adult.
11. I have the responsibility of trying to integrate the concepts being taught into other courses and other areas of my life.
12. I have the responsibility to be polite and open to my teacher and classmates.
13. I have the responsibility to accept that my work will be evaluated in terms of what skills any student in the course is expected to master.
by Lynne Marie Rodell, Christian Brothers University, Tennessee. From: The Teaching Professor, January 1994, P.3