10. Successful students are good time managers.
Successful students do not procrastinate. They have learned that time control
is life control and have consciously chosen to be in control of their life.
An element truth: you will
either control time or be controlled by it! It’s your choice: you can lead or
be led, establish control or relinquish control, steer your own course or
follow others. Failure to take control of their own time is probably no. 1 study
skill problem for college students.
It ultimately causes many students to become non students! Procrastinators are
good excuse-makers. Don’t make academics harder on yourself that it has to be.
Stop procrastinating. And don’t wait until tomorrow to do it!
10 items listed above are paraphrased from an article by Larry M Ludewig called
10 commandments for effective study skills which appeared in The Teaching Professor, December, 1992.
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